About Chrysalis

What is a Chrysalis Weekend?

Chrysalis is a non-denominational program that provides spiritual formation for youth and young adults. The program was designed by The Upper Room, a United Methodist Church organization located in Nashville, Tennessee. The Missouri East Chrysalis Board is actively working to improve the service to our community through the Chrysalis program. We pray that a Chrysalis Weekend will be a blessing in your lives.

Chrysalis is the growth stage between caterpillars and butterflies. While on the surface it may look like nothing is happening, the delicate process changes a caterpillar into a butterfly with wings and beautiful colors. This symbolizes that through dying to self, Christ can transform us into new beings. Jesus Christ can transform us into something beautiful. We must open ourselves to Jesus for this transformation to occur.

Chrysalis is the names chosen for the Youth Walk to Emmaus because they symbolize faith growth in the lives of high school and college aged young adults – the spiritual growth that is necessary between adolescence and adulthood. It is a crucial time of maturing faith for discipleship.

Chrysalis has its roots deeply planted in its parent movement, the Walk to Emmaus. Chrysalis is three-day spiritual renewal retreats that provides participants an opportunity to learn more about their faith, to experience Christian love, and a chance to make new commitments in their faith journey. The content of the three days focuses on God’s grace, how one experiences Christ as a friend in the body of Christ, and how one is called into discipleship, giving love to a needful world.

What happens on a Chrysalis Weekend?

You will spend three days with other young adults in worship, prayer, fellowship, creative expression, recreation, singing, and discussion. You will experience the love of Christ through prayers and the acts of service from a loving support community. Think of it as three days for you to rediscover your spiritual self, to analyze and realize who you are in Christ.

You will hear talks given by your peers and other adults. Their words will offer the message of the gospel and the friendship and example of Jesus Christ. Each day speakers present topics with life examples, followed by discussion, reflection, and creative expression of how these messages can encourage your personal faith.

You’ll learn how to incorporate spiritual disciplines into your life and rediscover that, although you’re busy and are living some intense experiences, prayer, Bible study, and Christian action are tools that provide paths through life’s jungles. You will explore how your friendship with Jesus helps you live your faith with family, friends, and community.

Who attends and why?

Chrysalis Weekend’s are designed for youth, ages 15-18, and for young adults, ages 19-22. They come together to:

  • strengthen their friendship with Christ;
  • discuss unanswered questions about what it means to be a Christian;
  • discover a positive Christian vision, a basis for living, and guidance for decisions that influence their lives;
  • recover spiritual roots and an understanding of being the church;
  • benefit from the spiritual enrichment that comes from sharing faith with peers;
  • learn who they really are in God’s eyes;
  • enjoy relationships of acceptance within the body of Christ;
  • spend time in prayer alone and with others.

If you would like to register, please print and complete the young adult, ages 19-22, or the youth, ages 15-18, reservation form and mail to the Registrar today.

What happens after a Chrysalis Weekend?

Since you’ve been on your own you’ve become aware of how much you are changing. Transformation comes so quickly it’s got you spinning. After your Chrysalis experience, you are encouraged to reexamine and explore your journey in the dynamic friendship that you are offered through Christ.

Following the three-day experience, you are invited to become intentional about your faith through local participation in campus ministries, local church, small group studies, and interpersonal sharing groups. These activities provide the fellowship and support for serving and giving love to your community and world. You are invited to build upon your Chrysalis experience the rest of your life and to remember and act on your love of Christ every day.


The event focuses primarily on the spiritual formation of young persons who are already involved in the church. Chrysalis represents a commitment to Christ through the local church. The objective is to inspire, challenge, and equip younger adults for a closer friendship with Christ and for Christian action in their workplaces, campuses, churches, communities, and homes. Chrysalis lifts up a way for you to be Christ’s friend and representative in the world.

Are you interested?

Chrysalis is open to ANY youth or young adult of any Christian denomination. We invite you to join in an exciting three days meeting Jesus Christ, a friend who comes to you in God’s love, expressed through other Christians. We invite you to rediscover your first commitment to Christ, rekindle the flame, and renew your spiritual energies. Remember your first love of Christ and be faithful.

If you would like to register, please print and complete the young adult, ages 19-22, or the youth, ages 15-18, reservation form and mail to the Registrar today.